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music for preschoolers

10 Relaxing Songs for Kids

10 Relaxing Songs for Kids

I keep finding myself sifting through music for songs to help my 4-year-old feel more relaxed. There's something about this time of year (new school year, new routine) that tends to trigger stress. We've been using a lot of music. I know music is my "thing", but as a parent, I'm so incredibly grateful for it. It can halt escalating emotions and take them in a completely different direction.

10 Songs for Community & Friendship

10 Songs for Community & Friendship

When the world feels a little heavy, it does the soul a lot of good to hang out with little kids. They tend to wear their heart on their sleeves, nothing stops them from giving a new friend a bear hug and pure joy is accessible just moments after sadness. 

10 Music Activities for Kids {for calming, cheering up, wiggles & encouragement}

10 Music Activities for Kids {for calming, cheering up, wiggles & encouragement}

The music therapist in me has a pretty big {and useful} toolbox at my disposal. My 4-year-old is running circles around the house yelling that she's bored? I have a song for that! The neighbor kids are over, it's too hot to go outside and the volume is at an ELEVEN? Time to pull out anything and everything I have!

Over the years, there have been some stand-out winners in my toolbox. So here they are, for you to try in your own home.

Using Music to Help Kids With Transitions

Using Music to Help Kids With Transitions

Kids are wired to test boundaries. It's vital to their development and it helps them build the oh-so-important skill of independent thinking. (Well-behaved women rarely make history, right?) Even though we want our kids to learn to think freely and stand up for themselves, the way that it is expressed in that teeny, tiny 2-5 year-old body can be equally perplexing and exhausting. 

Helping kids calm, WAKE UP or sleep with music

Helping kids calm, WAKE UP or sleep with music

Imagine for a moment... it's Saturday morning. The house is dark and quiet and you've miraculously been able to sleep in until 9am. 

(I'll let you stay in that dreamland for a moment.)

It's time to wake up. Music comes on and gently wakes you. It starts very quiet-- so quiet you can barely hear it-- and it gradually gets louder, coaxing you awake. It's music you love. What's your mood? 

Now, imagine for a moment... the same scenario. It's Saturday morning in a dark, quiet house and you're blissfully able to sleep until 9am.

It's time to wake up. Then, as if there's a speaker right by your ear, IMMEDIATELY LOUD heavy metal music plays and shocks you out of bed. What's your mood now? 

10 Songs for Preschoolers

10 Songs for Preschoolers

Testing boundaries tends to show up at times of transition (like, ahem, trying to leave the house when we're late and we gotta GO). Music can be a miraculous tool for easing those transitions. There are no limits-- take your toughest transition and try it. We use specific music while brushing teeth, cleaning up, getting out the door and in the car on the way to school (to calm nerves).