Bear Hug: A Sensory Song to Foster Self-Love and Confidence in Kids

In a world where children are constantly learning how to navigate their emotions and the ups and downs of life, sometimes the most important thing they need to hear is that they are strong, brave, and important.

A song that beautifully encapsulates these messages is "Bear Hug" — a calm and affirming sensory song designed to encourage kids to embrace self-love and confidence.

Bear Hug is a song that could absolutely be used as part of a “love lesson plan theme about loving yourself. This song is commonly used by teachers when the kids need some sensory regulation or they use it as a cool-down song at the end of music time and before you give them back to their teachers (the song right before the goodbye song). Doing this helps reduce the need for a big transition there and helps to end class with a goodbye song in a really quiet way after this song. So this song is also a great transitional tool.

The lyrics are:

“Give yourself a bear hug because you're strong.

Give yourself a bear hug because you're brave.

Give yourself a bear hug cause you're important.

Give yourself a bear hug every day.”

“Breathe in, and breathe out

Hold your breath, and let it out.”

Practicing self-affirmations

At the heart of this song is the idea of a "bear hug." What’s special about a bear hug? Well, it's not just about the warmth and comfort of a hug from a loved one; it’s about turning that loving embrace inward. This song encourages children to give themselves a bear hug, as a way to build self-esteem and mindfulness. It’s a gentle reminder that they have the power to find comfort in loving themselves and using mindfulness tools, when facing big feelings and challenges.

“Give yourself a bear hug because you’re strong
Give yourself a bear hug because you’re brave
Give yourself a bear hug because you’re important.”

These affirmations are short but powerful. They remind kids that they are capable and worthy of love, starting with themselves. When kids practice these affirmations, they’re building a positive relationship with themselves that will serve them in every area of their lives.

A sensory song

In addition to affirming their strengths, the song also introduces kids to the power of breath. It’s a simple yet effective mindfulness practice that children can use to calm their minds and regulate their emotions.

“Breathe in
And breathe out
Hold your breath
And let it out.”

Bear Hug encourages kids to give themselves a "bear hug"... aka: deep pressure for regulation! Deep pressure can be regulating for a lot of kids (and adults!). That specific kind of sensory input can come in the form of hugs, squeezes, a weighted blanket, swaddling, cuddling, and more. It's something an adult can assist with (with permission), OR something a child can learn to do on their own.

Give Yourself A Bear Hug

One of the most beautiful aspects of "Bear Hug" is the repeated encouragement to kids to care of themselves every day. By practicing the simple act of hugging themselves, breathing, and affirming their worth daily, children can internalize these positive messages and carry them with them throughout their day.

“Give yourself a bear hug every day.”


Some ways to incorporate Bear Hug in your music classes or sessions:

  • Ask kids to give themselves a "bear hug" to practice self-regulation

  • Spark a conversation about emotions with your students. Ask them about times when they’ve felt strong, brave, or important.

  • Incorporate movement into the song. Ask students to create movements that reflect the meaning of the lyrics.

  • Ask kids to create their own affirmations to add to the song, replacing the words "strong," "brave," and "important" with qualities they want to focus on. For example, “Give yourself a bear hug because you're kind" or "Give yourself a bear hug because you're a good friend."

  • Use visual aids (like pictures of bears or hugs) and provide options for children to participate in the breathing and hugging movements in ways that are comfortable for them (such as using a stuffed bear or simply placing their hands on their hearts).

  • Use this song at the end of a group, right before the goodbye song. It's kind of incredible how well it works!


Bear Hug: Backing track & Notated Leadsheet

The backing track, MP3, notated leadsheet and chords/lyrics for Bear Hug are included in our digital songbook, Early Childhood Songs Vol. 2.


"Bear Hug" is a heartwarming reminder for children to take a moment to love and affirm themselves. Whether it’s a hard day, a moment of fear, or simply a reminder of their own worth, kids can always return to the empowering words of this song.