What To Teach In January: Ideas For Your Early Childhood Music Classes and Music Therapy Sessions

After the holidays in December and Winter break, I find myself urging for new ideas for my early childhood music classes in the month of January. Do you relate?

If you, like me, are looking for inspiration for what to teach this January, I’ve compiled a couple of our favorite ideas, songs and activities you can bring to your early childhood music lesson classes or sessions.

And since I’d like to share as many ideas for your preschool and kindergarten music classes with you, you might also want to check out our Winter Songs For Preschool And Kindergarten Music Time and Winter Music Activities and Ideas for Preschool and Kindergarten Music Time blog posts. If you are looking for Winter book ideas, you might like these 3 Winter Music Books For Preschool And Kindergarten Music Time.

What to teach this month in your preschool and kindergarten music classes:


1- Skating (a movement song + a craft idea)

"Skating" is a stop-and-go movement song. I think you and the kids are going to LOVE it because it is a song + a craft + a movement activity all in one!

Here's the idea: Give your clients or students two paper plates (the super cheap thin white ones work best). They can take some time to decorate their "skates" with crayons or coloring pencils. Then, find some carpet and use them to slide (skate, swirl, race, etc.) and WAIT to the tune of this song.

2- Sneezy The Snowman

A melody for the winter children's book "Sneezy The Snowman" by Maureen Wright. A great book for preschool & kindergarten music class this winter season!

3- Ten On The Sled

Ten On The Sled is a picture book that tells the story of some animal friends speeding down the hill on a sled. Count down and sing along to the tune of the nursery rhyme “Ten In The Bed” as they all fall off the sled, from ten to one!

Music therapist, Jamie Lawrence of Harmony Garden Music Therapy on YouTube, takes us through this singable book on the video below.

For some visuals, props or extra materials to use along this book in your classes and sessions, this free printable by No Time For Flash Cards might be a great one to have.

Print the animals and make or draw a paper sled that you can place the animals on. Sing the story and count down/subtract the animals from the sled as they keep falling off on the story.

4- Twinkling Lights: a song for self-regulation you can use with a canopy scarf!

Have you used lights as part of your music therapy session or music education class? Here’s a song that I use for sensory regulation— there’s just enough sensory input that it’s interesting (and it’ll hold their attention), but not too much to overstimulated most kids.


“Twinkling Lights” would be a great song to pair with a Canopy Scarf for a sensory experience. The Canopy Scarf is one of my favorite props because of the many ways we can adapt it to use in the music classroom. I love using it instead of a parachute as its less stimulating. The Canopy Scarf is also great for mindfulness and relaxation; we can pretend is water, clouds, snow, etc. In terms of practicality, it is super light and packable. It is also machine-washable in cold, so it’s perfect to keep the germs away ;)

5- Hot Chocolate

Kids loveeeeeee this simple winter song. Try it acapella and make your cup really tiny for an itty bitty mouse (and raise the pitch!). Or make your cup gigantic for an elephant and sing it low and slower/heavier.

Watch this video for implementation ideas!

6- Five Little Snowflakes (counting song)

7- “Winter Winter Cold and Snow” by Sharon Gibson Palermo & Christina Song

Here’s a wonderful idea shared on the podcast Teaching Music Tomorrow on how to use picture books in our elementary music classes. On minute 9:28, Victoria Boler highlights the book “Winter, Winter, Cold and Snow” Sharon Gibson Palermo & Christina Song and shares ideas on how to incorporate it with rhythmic speech and improvisation!

8- Winter: The Coldest Season Of All! by Lisa Bell

A simple winter singable book with a catchy melody! You can download the MP3 of the song here and download a free lesson plan incorporating this book here. Link to the book here.

9- A virtual sleigh ride with Music with Mr. DelGaudio

A fun and musical sleigh ride! This instrument play-along will also work well with older elementary students.


10. Winter Boomwhacker Play Along

A simple and fun boomwhacker play along, perfect for the first few days back at school!


Do you need some winter lesson plans? Our done-for-you Cold Weather Preschool & Kindergarten Lesson Plans Bundle will help you have all your music lessons planned out for the whole winter season.

The Cold Weather Lesson Plan Bundle includes 5 of our favorite lesson plans for the winter season.

Lesson plan themes:
🕯️ Lights

🧣 Comfy Cozy

🕎 December

❄️ Snow

🛷 Snow Day