Ideas for the First Week of School: Preschool and Kindergarten Music

The first few weeks of school can be such an exciting time, but it can also be a challenge to decide what to plan–especially those first few weeks when you don’t quite know the kids yet or what to expect for each group. Here are some ideas for your back to school to make planning a bit easier and start this school year off right! 

Get Ready for the First Week of School! Ideas for Preschool and Kindergarten Music Class

There are many things to consider before starting classes.

1- Your Schedule

One is your schedule— are you going to have a visual schedule? Visual schedules are not only helpful but very developmentally appropriate for younger students because they are able to follow along, know what to expect (which helps ease anxiety!), they make transitions smoother, and they make communication more accessible for all learners.  Below is an example of what a visual schedule could look like for a 20 minute pre-kindergarten class.


2- How are you going to start your lessons each time? 

Starting your lesson with a hello song is a great way to create a feeling of community and validation for students and really sets the tone for the rest of class. 

We have two great options for hello songs- “Say Hello” and “Hey Everybody

  • "Say Hello" A hello song that uses creative movement for opportunities for engagement and sensory regulation, including a “boogie break” section (kids will love this, trust me!).

  • "Hey Everybody" is a hello song that includes movement and simple instructions. Tip: If you’re having a hard time capturing attention, try an unusual and/or difficult movement like “wiggle your eyebrows.” That can pull in attention because it’s novel and a little bit hard!


3- Movement Songs

Movement songs are a great way to engage students! Sometimes you have classes that you know you want them to really get up and move and get all of their wiggles out. Some classes you may have students who are unable to stand up, or a group where they may be safer moving in their seats, at least for now while they are getting used to your classroom.

  • "Move to the Beat" is a calmer movement song if you want to do movement but have students remain in their chairs.

  • "Red Light, Green Light"  is a great movement song for practicing stop/go or sound/silence. Learning this skill early in the year is a great foundation for the rest of the year.  It is great for helping them with focusing and working on self-regulation skills.


4- Introducing Instruments

I suggest starting with a simple rhythm instrument like egg shakers. If students are unable to grasp an egg shaker, try having some small maracas available as well. 

"Shake-A-My-Egg is great just for introducing egg shakers and this can be done sitting or standing. Before starting the song, model different movements like shaking up high, shaking down low, and hiding the egg. See where else they want to shake the egg.


5- A book for the first days of school

All Are Welcome” by Alexandra Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman is set in the early days of back-to-school that celebrates diversity and differences. It is a great book that helps to reiterate your class values and offers encouragement to the kids you work with.

Check out my melody to the book here.


6- Transition Song

If you do an activity where you would like them to help with cleaning up, it would be great to establish a clean up song that students will get used to hearing every clean up time! Eventually they will know exactly what to do as soon as it begins! 

Check out our clean up song with a two minute timer here on youtube.


7- Cool-Down Activity

As a cool down activity to help them get ready to transition from music class to wherever they journey next, try our yoga song! This will help them cool down their bodies and will work great with all ages! 


Checkout these other songs and book melody available on our youtube channel or on all music streaming platforms that would be great to teach for the beginning of the year! 

  • "Learning is for Me" is an encouraging song that celebrates learning.

  • ABC's is my rendition of the classic children’s song that they are sure to love and connect with right away! 

  • "It's A Good Day" is a cheerful , bright song that acknowledges HUGE changes kids have experiences while putting the focus on making the best of our days.