Los Más Pequeños: A Bilingual Song By Nathalia Palis

This month we shared the song "Los Más Pequeños", by the amazing Nathalia Palis, with our Song-of-the-Month Club members. (we share the Mp3 & chords/lyrics of original songs every month, so sign up to receive a free children song every month, too!). Los Más Pequeños invites children and all of us to learn from even the smallest creatures living around us, like the mighty little grasshopper, the tiny little ant and the busy little bee.

Nathalia is a fellow music therapist and children's musician who graduated from Berklee College of Music a few years before I did. I interviewed her for the Music For Kiddos Podcast (her episode will be out in a few weeks!) and I found myself completely and utterly inspired by her... everything Nathalia does is *bursting* with joy, empathy, and connection. You can't help but love her immediately!

Here's a little bit about “Los Más Pequeños”:

Los Más Pequeños is a song that draws attention to some amazing little creatures and their unique “superpowers”. The core message is that “we can learn from every little thing, if we stop to look around”, and reminds children that even when something (or someone) is little, they can still make a big impact in the world. Both Spanish and English versions of this song are available.


About her album, "Mil Colores":

I wrote the songs within these past 2 years as you can imagine, very emotional for everyone. I was teaching the cutest Zoom classes for preschoolers throughout the pandemic and many of the song ideas came from that or what was happening during the time.


Follow Nathalia on Instagram: @NathaliaMusica and check out Nathalia’s music on Spotify!


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