Music For Kiddos Podcast

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Whether you are a music therapist or a music educator, more likely than not, you have come across or worked with a child that was labeled as “challenging” or that perhaps had “failed” out of other classes or therapies.

Staff or other teachers have tried different approaches that have not seemed to work. Often, music therapy is referred as a solution and an approach that could support the child’s needs.

I have a lot of empathy for these kids and I'm grateful that in our role as a music therapist, we can focus on their social and emotional wellbeing. We can provide them our full attention and listen to them in a different way.

I’m sure many of you have had similar experiences working with children and on episode 13 of the Music For Kiddos Podcast I have a story to share with you about a child whom I worked with and how music facilitated communication & served as an outlet for emotional expression .

 In this episode:

  • I talk about assuming competency when working with children

  • I share some anecdotes and suggestions on how music can be utilized to facilitate emotional expression

  • You’ll listen to the song Grizzly Bear Grump


Today’s resource:

🎵Download the lyrics + chords + mp3 of the song Grizzly Bear Grump here ↓

    *and if you would like to receive the chords + lyrics + mp3 of original songs every month, subscribe to the Song-Of-The-Month Newsletter to get everything right in your inbox.

    We have partnered with West Music to offer free shipping on orders above $59.95 to Music For Kiddos Podcast’s listeners. Check out their incredible instruments and their incredible offerings at WestMusic.com or you can place your order at their customer service hotline at (800) 397-9378.

    The code for free shipping is KIDDOS25. Make sure to check them out!

    Let’s keep in touch!




    Song-of-the-Month Club (FREE!)


    Thanks for tuning in!

    Thanks for joining us on the Music for Kiddos podcast! If you enjoyed this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts and tell us what you think by leaving a review! Don’t forget to sign up for the Song-of-the-Month-Club to receive a free, high-quality original song every month, or hang out with us on Instagram to stay connected.